Skyforge – First developer diary introduces new Orders system

[Beta register] Through the just-released developer diary video, the new Orders of Aelion feature was introduced for upcoming MMORPG epic, Skyforge. In short, it is a unique gameplay system which allows players to become a powerful god, wielding immense power over the…

Skyforge – Massive PvE invasions previewed in latest developer post

[Game website] One of the core gameplay features in Skyforge, invasions are epic events of incredible scale that affect all players where alien forces of enemy gods invade the planet of Aelion. Players must fight off invading parties by banding together and…

Skyforge – New dev article reveals 5 PvP modes for upcoming game

[Beta signup] Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, Allods Team and set to be published by, gamers were given a first look at the 5 PvP modes available in the upcoming game. There will be no open world PvP or PK,…

Skyforge – Paladin class trailer revealed for upcoming MMO epic

[Beta signup] Developed by Allods Team and set to be published by, the latest playable class for Skyforge was just revealed as the fearless warrior, the Paladin. As you could have guessed, the Paladin is a close combat melee specialist,…

Armored Warfare – New gameplay footage from PAX demo client

[Alpha signup] Developed by Obisidian Entertainment using CryEngine, a new gameplay footage for Armored Warfare was just uploaded. The footage was recorded from the game client over at PAX this past weekend. According to reports, many RPG elements are not…

Skyforge – Russian Alpha tester takes gamers through the game basics

[Register] I think I am slow on this, but nevertheless, a Russian player who managed to get into the Alpha phase for Skyforge uploaded a game guide some weeks back. With official backing from the studio, Allods Team,it is filled…

Skyforge – New introduction trailer for Cryomancer class reveal

[Game website] The Cryomancer, 1 of the starting classes in Skyforge, is capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage which allows him to quickly dispose of his enemies. And even though he would rather keep them at a distance, the…

Skyforge – Ascension Atlas system to aid players in becoming gods

[Beta signup] 1 of the few MMORPGs to be shown at E3 2014, a new trailer was just released for Skyforge, touching on the path to become a true digital god. Known as the Ascension Atlas, it is a system…

Skyforge – New trailer introduces the massive game world to everyone

[Beta signup] Set to be showcased at E3 2014, a new trailer for Skyforge was revealed earlier today, introducing gamers to its massive world. Co-developed by Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment, Skyforge features a level-less system among other features. For…

Skyforge – Part 3 of Q&A reveals focus on weapons over armors

[Beta signup] Skyforge has gathered much attention since its announcement, and developers Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment have no doubt crafted what looks like a masterpiece next-gen MMORPG. The 3rd official Q&A is here, and you can read the first…

Skyforge – New developer Q&A touches on several game features

[Beta signup] After the first Q&A session a couple of weeks back, the development team behind Skyforge has released yet another new Q&A document, with questions provided by the community. Developed by Team Allods and Obsidian Entertainment, there will be…

Skyforge – First Q&A reveals level system and switching of classes

[Beta signup] Jointly developed by Allods Team in collaboration with Obsidian Entertainment, Skyforge is an upcoming sci-fi MMORPG where ancient mysteries live side by side with cutting-edge technologies with 10-15 classes planned at launch. Seen below is the first community Q&A details.  …

Armored Warfare – Tanks are still popular as debut trailer lands

A new military online game was just announced for the English market, and its name is Armored Warfare. Supposedly a project between Obsidian Entertainment and Russian giant,, it seems somewhat similar to World of Tanks at first glance. Read…

Skyforge – Epic trailer revealed for new online game from Allods Team

[Register] Co-developed by Russian studio Allods Team and North America studio Obsidian Entertainment, the debut trailer for Skyforge was revealed recently. Bankrolled by the mighty, Skyforge is looking every inch of an upcoming MMORPG master piece.   Of course,…