Pascals Wager was actually first revealed last year, but somehow we missed the game entirely. Developed in China by an indie team known as TipWorks, Pascals Wager was so impressive that major games publisher Giant Network picked it up. The game, which looks like a console title, will actually launch first for mobile platforms. It is on-show at ChinaJoy right now, hence we managed to find out more. Yes, we do know that Pascals Wager resembles closely to Dark Souls, and no one is denying that. Here is a the new trailer from ChinaJoy 2019, which was actually shown at E3 2019 at North America a few months ago.
TipWorks was told that such a theme will not earn them any money, and the team knows what themes are popular in China. However, they ultimately decided to go with their heart and create Pascals Wager. There are 6 confirmed characters announced, with only 2 full introduced and the rest still in the preview stage. Since Pascals Wager is being presented entirely in English thus far, it seems publisher Giant Network has plans to launch it outside of China. The company does not have a huge presence overseas though, so we shall see!