Last week, Age of Wushu held its annual PvP tournament in China, the home base of developer Snail Game. The development team spoke to several local media outlets after announcing a mega-expansion reaching the China server on 8th August later this year. Here are some of the details below.
– The new areas/ maps are 8 times the size of the current map size in Age of Wushu (China server).
– There will be no main quests, and players are free to pick and choose quests from the new regions.
– There will be new individual quests for each player, each with different options and multiple endings. Players’ decisions will be important on which NPCs they will meet and how the quests will progress.
– 6 new Emerging Forces (or clans) have been confirmed, although they will not be added at the same time due to the massive file size. The game will be expanding beyond the Central Plains, and will see forces from Tibet, Mongolia, and the Orient. For the overseas servers, there are even plans to add in Western or Southeast Asia forces.
– New weapons will be introduced in the expansion, and over 60 new skill sets.
– New skills in the expansion will not be limited to schools, hence all players are free to learn them.
– A mobile version of Age of Wushu is in development, and it will be a side-scroll action RPG. There are plans to port the game to consoles such as Xbox. (Note: Consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will begin selling legally in China later this year)
– A MOBA game based on Age of Wushu is in development, and it will be a full 3D title unlike MOBA titles with an isometric view. The game will be announced properly at ChinaJoy 2014 (this July), and the game is actually developed with consoles in mind, although there is a PC version as well.
– The PC client version of Age of Wushu is currently being ported to other platforms.