First announced back at Tokyo Game Show 2014, the latest mobile game under Square Enix has officially been launched in Japan. If Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur looks familiar, it might be because the game is a sequel to the popular Million Arthur, which garnered fans from all over the world.
As mentioned, the launch is only in Japan, so players might need to have a Japanese account, especially for iTunes users. That is but a small road bump, as some of my friends are already trying the game out. Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur even comes with full voice acting (80MB worth of sound files)!
An interesting new feature will be the 4-man co-op mode, which is being played online of course. Combat is still turn-based, players will still have to collect new characters, but everything else has been upgraded, from the visuals to special effects. The combat scenes are really breathtaking!