Booths which you want to visit most –
1. Nexon (66.8 points)
2. Blizzard (44.2 points)
3. Neowiz Games (29.9 points)

Booths which are most impressive looking –
1. Blizzard (51.3 points)
2. Nexon (45.3 points)
3. Neowiz Games (32.6 points)

Booths with best game demo experience –
Top 3 – Nexon, WeMade, L&K Korea
Neowiz Games and Blizzard got the most negative feedback, as the space was either too big or too small in some sections. The 3-monitor display for Bless was also criticized, with visitors claiming it is not viable for most gamers to fork out for and play with 3 expensive monitors.

Games which you want to try most –
1. Mabinogi II: Arena (49.8 points)
2. Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm (37 points)
3. Bless (33.5 points)
Games which left you most satisfied after trying –
1. Dungeon Striker (89.2 points)
2. FIFA Online 3 (82.5 points)
3. Bless (79.8 points)
Games which you want to try again –
1. FIFA Online 3 (77.5 points)
2. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm (70.3 points)
3. Bless (67.4 points)
It seems Neowiz’s Bless is the stable game in all 3 categories, with the rather “old-school” tab-target system not turning the visitors off. Speaking of action combat, Dungeon Striker is said to be a surprise winner in the 2nd category, where the game heavily focus on fast battles. Both are on my to-play list, and hopefully Dungeon Striker will be coming out in 2013 for the English territories.