Dragon Raja – Unreal Engine 4 mobile MMORPG gets official name

Epic Games and Chinese developer Loong Entertainment unveiled their highly-anticipated mobile game, Dragon Raja, at Unreal Open Day 2019. The game, which was originally revealed as Project:SU at GDC 2019, is being developed by using the powerful Unreal Engine 4…

Project:SU – New Unreal Engine 4 mobile game announced at GDC 2019

Epic Games and China studio Loong Entertainment today announced a new mobile game entitled Project:SU at Games Developer Conference (GDC) 2019. Scheduled to launch later this year, Project:SU is co-developed by both companies using Unreal Engine 4 and incorporates advanced…

Project E – Tencent Games previews “flagship” mobile game for 2019

ChinaJoy 2018 is ongoing in Shanghai, so expect more posts about mobile games over the next few days. Publisher Tencent Games, together with representatives from developer Loong Entertainment and Epic Games, teased Project E over at the event as a…