After the lackluster God Eater Online, Bandai Namco is ready to dive into another mobile game for the God Eater franchise, this time known as God Eater Resonant Ops. According to the description, the story takes place 4 years after the events of God Eater 2 Rage Burst. Rather than the original cast, players will be greeted with a new group of characters. However, players will still meet classic NPCs from the series, including Lindow and Alisa!
Bandai Namco did not emphasize on Resonant Ops being “online” this time round, and the game looks pretty similar to most of the turn-based RPG titles out there. The in-game gacha system will most likely be based on new characters and equipment. Bandai Namco did not confirm a launch schedule for God Eater Resonant Ops, so stay tuned for updates!