[Game website] Energy Wells are seats of apex influence, the overflowing crystallized energy is the base essence for every instrument of war. Factions wage fanatical campaigns night and day to claim their absolute sovereignty. The conflict of Black Gold dominance rages on throughout the contested regions. Neither side will give quarter, thus the belligerent leaders concocted a plan of their own.
The engineers of Steam work ceaseless nights to construct the hulking Goliath, giant machine that packs unstoppable firepower. Baptized and molded in the scorching flames of industry, the Goliath is a mechanized perfection of ultimate destruction.
Over the scarred landscape, the Erlandir sages summon forth the ancient Behemoth, an elemental creature forged in the deepest recesses of the earth. Blessed by the power of prophets, the Behemoth shall lay waste to anything that stands in its raging stampede.