Hunter x Hunter is a beloved manga and anime series, and as Japanese anime properties gets more popular with game developers in China, Hunter x Hunter is the latest mobile game to launch last week. Published by Tencent Games, Hunter x Hunter Mobile is a side-scrolling action RPG, allowing players to hack and slash their way across hordes of enemies. We were very intrigued as well by the game’s 6 unique classes, each with a further 2 class advancements with different core skills. Most anime mobile games are just about gacha-ing the key characters to form the strongest team, but not in this instance.
Familiar characters such as Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio are now active supporters, aiding the main character in part of their battles. Ok, there are still some gacha elements, but at least the main damage comes from the player’s character. Tons of skills to learn and chain together! Hunter x Hunter Mobile feels different from the other anime games we have tried, and it is a pity that it will stay exclusive to the China market. As for the western fans, I guess we can only hope the main manga and anime series gets updated more regularly…