Formerly known as Heroes of Valhalla, Grace Valhalla is the first mobile game developed by famed Taiwan studio, X-Legend Entertainment. Known for its cutesy online games such as Aura Kingdom, the art style is brought in Grace Valhalla as well. Players will get the chance to form a team out of folklore characters and gods from all over the world, which is pretty damn cool.
The game only enters Closed Beta next week in Taiwan, so I am not quite sure about the combat system. Other than each character having his or her unique skills, players will have to strategically move the attack (red) and defence (blue) grids to trigger special moves. I will go into this unique combat system in more details once I have the chance to give it a try.
Similar to most character-collecting games, there is a skill upgrade system along with the typical gears strengthening function. Players of Aura Kingdom will be familiar with the evolution system, and it will be available in Grace Valhalla as well. All characters will have the chance to evolve stronger, and changing their appearances at the same time.
Rather than just the common storyline campaign, there are several event modes for players to enter during selected times. One such will be the epic world boss battles, where the whole server will try to take it down as fast as possible, with the best rewards probably going to the highest damage dealing team. Stay tuned for more info as the Closed Beta phase edges closer!