This year’s Tokyo Game Show, compared to last year’s, seems to dull in comparison in terms of online games releases. It is not helped by Gamania deciding to have its own game show and various MMO companies not taking part this time round.
Weapons of Mythology, first posted a few days back, is one of the rare MMO titles. Developed by Taiwanese studio XPEC, of Bounty Hounds Online fame, the game trailer for Tokyo Game Show is now revealed.
I know, one of the human pet form looks just like a carbon copy of a cute race from a Korean title. Other than the pet system, you can see these floating magical objects. This is yet another “pet”, but doesn’t work the same way.
These are apparently the objects named in the game’s title, with a total of 3 different elements and each having 5 different growth stage. It will be on of the factors in PvP as each elements will counter each other.You can see some of the designs below.
Talking about PvP, there will be the standard 3 options: Guild, Battle Arena and Faction. For guilds, PvP will take place in the form of territorial control, with different territories having different rare resources.
The arena is touted as a DOTA-styled map, although there is no screenshots of it yet. Finally, the faction wars will take shape in the guise of a mass PvP batttlefield. There is currently no date set yet for beta, so stay tuned.