Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Nearly an hour of press footage

I am not really sure how the heck I missed the live-stream for this press conference a couple of days ago, but I guess it is better late than never. Square Enix is now ready to open up and talk…

Final Fantasy XIV – Doubts about the new flashy trailer

While I am holding much positives for Final Fantasy XIV’s rebirth coming in a couple of months, I am not sure what Square Enix is doing now is to the best of the game’s interests. You see, with quite a…

Final Fantasy XIV Online – Square Enix releases 27 new images

Technically not released at Gamescom 2012, I think I read that the game will have a demo or in-game stuff at the event. Square Enix released a new bunch of screenshots, which I am really impressed with. Hopefully, it will…

Final Fantasy XIV Online – New trailer as relaunch draws close

While the first trailer is titled “The Fate of Eorzea”, this new one finally fits the game’s relaunch name, “A Realm Reborn”. I am of course talking about Final Fantasy XIV Online, which is closing to launch in a couple…

[ChinaJoy 2012] Final Fantasy XIV Online – Interview with producer

Final Fantasy XIV’s producer, Naoki Yoshida, is currently at ChinaJoy 2012 talking about the game. To be published under Shanda Games, the China players will get to play the version 2.0 of Final Fantasy XIV, which was revealed 2 days…

[ChinaJoy 2012] Shanda Games reveals several new games

As 1 of China’s top 3 online gaming companies, Shanda Games is against tough competition the next few months, with Tencent Games getting ArcheAge and Blade & Soul and NetEase getting Diablo III. To make sure its market share is…

Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn

After a couple of years being brought back to the drawing board, Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV Online: Version 2.0 finally gets renamed as “A Realm Reborn” and should be on schedule for the Beta phase later this year. First…