Aeria Games reveal Eden Eternal

To be honest, I was shocked when the good people at OnRPG first posted this game up. Being the nosy me, I decided to quickly scour for the game’s developer and hence the original server. At first, there is not much I…

Transformers Online – 2 different MMOs to launch

While many players have heard about Transformers Online being confirmed as a full fledged MMORPG set to be released in 2012, I feel that some clarifications should be made clear. There will be TWO different Transformers Online, 1 developed by…

Age of Wulin – Notes by the boss

In case you do not know, Age of Wulin is an upcoming martial arts MMO being hosted by gPotato Europe. Don’t ask me if there will be IP blocks, I do not know lol. Along with Perfect World’s Swordsman Online,…

Forsaken World – Launch trailer

I just received this email from Perfect World Entertainment, and since the game is still currently my favorite (I am playing in the Chinese servers), I thought I should upload the launch trailer and share it with you guys. Forsaken World is…

ARGO – First impression

Welcome to another episode of “First impression”, where I play the game for a few levels and deliver some comments and opinions of my own. And yes, this is not a review, not a preview, not a walk-through etc, this is just a short…

The Weekend Journal

Hello folks, it is Sunday over here and a new week (urgh) is about to start. In the gaming world, the past week saw 2 major conventions held in North America, Game Developers Conference (GDC) and this week, Penny Arcade…

PAX East 2011 – Guild Wars 2 Panel

Well, GDC 2011 last week was dominated by Guild Wars 2, it is not any different from this week’s PAX East. The team behind Guild Wars 2 sat down with the media, attendees and fans who went to the expo…

PAX East 2011 – Korean MMOs make appearances

If I am not wrong, the annual Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) seldom features Korean Free to Play (F2P) MMOs. I noticed an increase in their presence since last year at E3 2010. Well, I am still slightly surprised to see…

PAX East 2011 – Firefall interview with Mark Kern

At this year’s PAX East, Firefall (official website) can be said to be one of the most anticipated MMO globally, together with ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2. The game is being developed by various industry veterans, costs up to a tune of…

PAX East 2011 – Guild Wars 2 previews Thief skills

I actually kind of regret not doing posts for last week’s Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2011, so I am trying to redeem my laziness by posting some stuff about Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East 2011 this week. You can still…

Swordsman Online – Five Fairies Sect trailer

After previewing Shaolin and Mount Hua Sect, the 3rd clan from Swordsman Online is revealed today by Perfect World. It is called the Five Fairy Sect (in order to put a feminine touch to their bad reputation), while commonly known…

Forbes Billionaires – Online Gaming Edition 2011

Just that you guys know, I read ALOT. From gaming to software, from hardware to entertainment, from entertainment to politics and also business. Well, I only read the interesting ones though. Forbes released its annual global billionaire list for 2011 not long ago,…

ChangYou previews The Duke of Mount Deer

ChangYou, one of the MMO powerhouses in China, officially went into its North America and Europe operations not too long ago. Now, the company is preparing arguable the biggest release so far, The Duke of Mount Deer. Based on the classic novel…

Dragon Nest – Winds of Change Part I

Well, Winds of Change is not the official name for this expansion for the Korean server, I just find it appropriate. Some websites have already cover this, but I guess I will be un-lazy for this time since everyone is…