Also known as Aura Kingdom for the English server, Fantasy Frontier today welcomed new content in the Taiwan version. First off, the seal of the Water Dragon has been destroyed (after Lightning and Sky Dragons) by 1 of the 4 Heavenly Kings (below) of the Dark Knight.
What is the antagonist faction scheming? The Water Dragon dungeon will reset every 6 hours, and of course will need a party of 5. The main loot will be gold-colored level 65 gears. After slaying the Water Dragon, there is a chance of Tsubaki, Artemis (Serena), Lilith and Phoenix.
Also added in the update earlier today is the new male Eidolon, Baldur. Apparently a god which is supposed to bring light, Baldur is powerful in both attack and defence, wielding his legendary sword of light. His overall design, armour and sword, is definitely very cool.
There is an event going on in the Taiwan server, where players may get a dark version of Baldur (costume I guess). The requirements is to get a Baldur first and enter the Eidolon temple to summon him. I am guessing players will have to spend a couple of hundreds to get him in the first place…