Korean gaming giant Netmarble held its annual “Netmarble Together with Press” or “NTP” event yesterday in South Korea, and as usual tons of Pay-To-Earn, blockchain, metaverse and whatnot news were mentioned. But we will just focus on the new “real” games announced, this time with Knights of the Round. But it was not mentioned which part of the game is round… or what object is round. Perhaps a table?
According to Netmarble, Knights of the Round was created for the North America market and had been in development for a “long time” with the current game name settled upon 2 years ago. As a quarter-view RPG and strategic RPG, Knights of the Round contains gameplay elements such as an adventure mode that “pursues the fun of exploration and battle”, puzzles and capture points, territory system and battles between player troops. It was not mentioned which platforms will the game launch on.