First announced this February, the first teaser trailer for the anime series based on popular mobile RPG King’s Raid was revealed recently. Developed by Korean studio Vespa, King’s Raid achieved global fame upon its launch and it was decided that an expansion strategy around the IP should be initiated to capitalize on its popularity. Subtitled “意志を継ぐものたち”, or loosely translated as “Those Who Inherit The Will,” this King’s Raid anime series is produced by Sunrise Beyond (a team under Sunrise) and OLM, both with great credentials!
Set to air in Japan this autumn, the brand-new story of King’s Raid is set in a world of sword and sorcery a century after King Kairu of Orvelia defeated the demon king Angumundo. The squire Kasel lives in these peaceful times. However, Kasel’s destiny is set in motion when he hears of the demons reappearing on his land. Guided by a great wise man, Kasel embarks on an adventure with his companions to drive back the darkness threatening his once peaceful land and become the Chosen Warrior of the Holy Sword Aea.