Starting today, a 3-day game exhibition will be held at South Korea’s National Assembly building to showcase and introduce more politicians to the world of gaming. Organized by Korea Association of Game Industry (K-GAMES) and Korea Game Forum, the key aim of the exhibition is to emphasize the industrial value and cultural and artistic elements of games, and also to promote the positive values the gaming industry provides to the masses. Held on the second floor of the National Assembly, the space is divided into 3 sections: Game Experience, Understanding Games, and Game Culture. What an awesome idea this is!
Game Experience: Visitors can try out VR games, as well as online and mobile games.
Understanding Games: Here, there are easy-to-view infographics showing the current status of the domestic game industry and various activities of local game companies. Social contributions and activities were also highlighted.
Game Culture: I am not really sure what is being shown here, but I am guessing how games promote and tie-in with local cultures?
Various senators were spotted taking part, including the vice-chairman of the National Assembly. Representatives said that with all the negative news recently about games, such as the attacks from World Health Organization listing gaming as a disease, this exhibition will hopefully get the various local political groups to work together and restore credibility. While the Korean game industry continues to grow at an annual average rate of 9.8%, midsize companies have shown weaker results and exports to China have been blocked.
Apparently just last week, South Korean president Moon Jae-in introduced a new policy to help gaming startups see failure as an experience and allow them to start over again. On a side note, while South Korea is the birthplace of many free online shooting games, the country’s gun-related crimes is one of the lowest in the world. Perhaps Donald Trump and his goons can stop blaming the games industry for violence, and instead work on changing the law for gun ownership and introduce better lessons in schools. What a disgrace he is.