Recently, Aeria Games and the Korean media confirmed the contract termination for the North America and Europe server of Bless, the Unreal Engine 3 masterpiece developed by Neowiz Bless Studio. Since then, the development team has decided to give an official statement regarding the issue, and to reaffirm its stance for a potential future Western server.
The following is the official statement from Neowiz Bless Studio:
1. Reasons for publishing contract termination
Last September, our (Neowiz Bless Studio) partner Aeria Games (AG) shared two major concerns: Ingame performance and combat system. We believe these two need to be polished before coming into the western market. We, Neowiz Bless Studio (NBS), have been working on the two issues, but figured out that more time is required to achieve the satisfactory condition.
This additional development period was not aligned with AGs’ business milestone, and of course we respect AG’s opinions. Thus, both parties have agreed to terminate the publishing contract of Bless.
2. Future North America and Europe milestones
Neowiz Bless Studio believes the North America and Europe Bless fans are very valuable, so we are committed to deliver game updates directly. We will surely present fans with an improved Bless in the future.
So to sum up everything, Neowiz Bless Studio is currently modifying Bless’ current weaknesses and polish the game’s features for a potential future launch in the Western market. I would really hope any potential publisher would launch Bless as a true global server. From MMO Culture’s point of view as MMORPG lovers, we sincerely wish Bless will succeed!