[Game website] In my memories, there aren’t really any online gaming companies which have their staff going all out and try to talk about their game as game designers, fans and not just employees. Maybe a couple of smaller studios, but for the bigger ones, not so much. Most rely on pointless trailers (I hate CG ones) basically showing how their game looks. Developer diaries are a good source as well, but just yesterday, I watched 1 showing just the devs sitting and talking, with 5 seconds of in-game footage shown. Really?
Sony Online Entertainment has done quite an amazing job so far communicating with the masses for PlanetSide 2, engaging them via various channels. Conventions, checked. Social media, checked. Trailers, checked. But where is the developer diary section?
Enter the rather amazing “Command Center” series (above), with episode 1 dedicating over 20 minutes talking about the game and showing how PlanetSide 2 has evolved and doing footage comparisons and stuff. These days, there seems to be more PR videos lasting over the 10 minutes mark, but I am certanly not complaining as long as the content is relevant. These might sound like basic things, but how many companies have done this so far? 1 of the replies caught my eyes, and I think this sums it up.