IGG (I Got Games), a Chinese MMO company with its main online gaming business focused in the English market, has released the first CG trailer for its mysterious upcoming MMO, Age of Titan. Set in a Greek mythology background, it is a world where Titans rule over the lands. Once the Human race gained intelligence, they rebelled against the Titans’ rule. In the end, Zeus, with his army of gods, helped the Human race to exterminate the Titans, only leaving one alive, trapped under the weight of Mount Olympus. However, after a few thousand years, an evil sorcerer released the last Titan from his burden. Players, playing as heroes from various civilizations, will now come together and pursue the Titan. The CG trailer below showcases the perilous paths in the Hell zone.
IGG is indeed ambitious on this project. Various reports claimed that the company promised all players from around the world will be playing in the same server in an open world with no regional boundaries. Various languages are also available to choose from, including English, German, Russian, Chinese, Latin etc. This will mean the game will be developed and translated at the same time. As mentioned in my previous post, the game will most probably be in the veins of Diablo 3.