The official Korean website posted a teaser on a new area, roughly translated as the Howling Cliff. What exactly happened to this place, which was once a safe haven for all ?
Before the place was called Howling Cliff, it was a sanctuary for wounded war soldiers and injurd refugees to mend and heal their wounds.
One day, all of a sudden, the people of the cliff went berserk and started rioting.
The people were deemed insane, and the doctors and helpers were all killed before they could escape. With the incident, the cliff virtually became a wasteland over time.

With madmen and creatures roaming the area, the Alliance named it the Howling Cliff, where travelers who unknowingly step in will only leave behind a final howl before they are killed…

With the events, players must know explore the Howling Cliff under the orders of the Alliance to find out what exactly happened there. What untold secrets await ?

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