Digimon Masters is the second MMORPG from the popular Japanese franchise, Digimon. The first was a 2.5D isometric MMORG which was supposed to hit English shores, but apparently never materialized. Digimon Masters is fully 3D, and plays just like most MMOs out there. The game follows closely the storyline and setting of Digimon Data Squad, or known as Digimon Savers in Japan. There are only 3 starting characters at first, Masaru (Agumon), Thoma (Gaomon) and Yoshino (Lalamon).
As you can see, there is still a Burst Mode feature not added for the final form. Below’s the 4th character who is not released yet, Ikuto (Falcomon).
Apparently, despite the lack of character customization, players are not forced to stick to their starting Digimon as the game progress. No words yet on how this is done.
From what I have seen, only the Digimons attack, while the player character remains static. Here are 2 screenshots from the recent 2nd Closed Beta.
The latest promotional video for the 2nd Closed Beta.
Here are some random screenshots.
One of the early promotional videos for the game.