I can safely say that you’re not a gamer if you do not know the company call Blizzard Entertainment. Really. Now get out of my blog 😀 *kidding*
A brief history, Blizzard Entertainment was founded by 3 college graduates in 1991 as Sillicon & Synapse. Weird name huh ? The company changed it name to the current one in 1994, and shortly shipped their first major hit, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. The rest is then history, as you should know. Current hits and anticipated games include Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft and of course, Diablo 3.
Some people might have already seen these pictures months ago, but for the benefit of a good friend, I am re-posting them as today’s article.
Left: Blizzard campus’s entrance. Right: The main Blizzard building.
Left: Visitors being guided to the main building. Right: Entering the main building.
Below: A floor plan designed ala World of Warcraft style and a mini gallery with figurines from various games made by Blizzard along the corridor.
Left: An Orc statue near the entrance, should be done now. Right: Poster gallery of Starcraft.
Left: A limited edition miniature for staff only. Right: Warcraft poster gallery.
Left: The Frostmourne, Artha’s sword. Right: Warcraft Trading Card Game gallery.
Below: A collection of fanart over the years. Really thoughtful of Blizzard.
Left: A figurine for Starcraft’s Terran soldier. Right: Lunchtime ~!!!
Below: Blizzard’s staff cafeteria. Tons of goodies sold it seems, making me hungry ~!!!
Left: The tour guide… lol @ the NPC shirt. Right: Blizzard’s staff gym.
Left: A floor plan, now in Starcraft’s style. Right: As the picture says.
Below: CEO Mike Morhaime’s (1 of the 3 founders)office, which is loaded with all kinds of Blizzard goodies ~!!!
Below: Posters and more posters ~!!!
Below: Blizzard’s staff break room. There are snacks, magazines and even console gaming.
Below: Various artwork for World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Below: The library, with tons of books from different disciplines. NCsoft’s Lineage 2 is sighted within the gaming library catalog ~!!!
Left: Blizzard’s next MMORPG, codenamed Project Hydra’s office. Right: Starcraft 2’s office.
Ok folks, that’s all ~!!! Don’t forget to stay tune to Blizz Con, where the next class from Diablo 3 is expected to be revealed ~!!!