Sony Online Entertainment – 1 cheaper sub fee to play them all

[Source] While yet to be official, SOE’s president, Mr John Smedley, has confirmed on Reddit that all SOE players will now pay a cheaper single subscription fee to play all the company’s games. While most of the SOE’s games are…

EverQuest Next Landmark – New trailer explains what is the game about

[Game website] After speaking to some of my gaming friends recently, most over them have heard or read about EverQuest Next, but some did not even know about Landmark. And lo and behold, a new introduction trailer was revealed by…

Everquest Next Landmark – SOE reveals Founder’s Pack prices

[Purchase here] Due this Winter, Sony has announced the Founder’s Pack prices for Landmark, sort of a side game (but a full game itself, you get what I mean) linked to the upcoming full MMORPG, Everquest Next. The most expensive…