Digimon: New Century – Quick look at new China-exclusive Digimon mobile game by Bandai Namco and Tencent

First officially announced back in May, Digimon: New Century is a mobile RPG developed by Bandai Namco Shanghai and publisher by Tencent Games for the massive China market. Based on the popular Digimon IP, the story of the game takes…

Sword Art Online Black Swordsman: Ace – Quick look at new mobile MMORPG launched in China

Developed by Chinese studio Kingnet and published in China by Bilibili, Sword Art Online Black Swordsman: Ace is an officially licensed mobile MMORPG from Bandai Namco and Kadokawa. It launched a couple of days back as a China-exclusive title, and…

Digimon: New Century – New mobile RPG for Chinese market by Bandai Namco Shanghai revealed

After a number of failed Digimon mobile games in China, things are starting to get serious as Tencent Games announced 数码宝贝: 新世纪 (unofficially translated as Digimon: New Century). Developed by Bandai Namco Shanghai, players will experience a new story and…