As mentioned in my previous post (link), China MMO developer and publisher ChangYou revealed a number of titles which are in development, including “World of Shadowbane”. While the China gamers are all awaiting Tencent’s Blade & Soul China server, rivals…
Search Results For: label/Warface
[GDC 2012] CryEngine 3 battles with Unreal Engine 3
Which game engine do you prefer? Well, I guess most of us will agree games churned out by either looks gorgeous, and as long as the overall gameplay is good, we can put the slight different in visuals aside. But…
GFACE – Crytek aims to merge gaming and social media
(Beta signup) Just to be clear, GFACE is a separate entity itself but the company is being backed by Crytek, the famous game engine developer behind CryEngine. So what is GFACE? Well, for me it looks like a harmonious merge…
Warface – Official English website opens
(Official website) Despite Crytek apparently stressing Warface being an online shooter developer for the Asian regions of China and Korea specifically, it seems an English server is still inevitable at the end. Developed by Crytek Seoul using the latest CryEngine…