First known as Project R1, Tree of Savior is currently in development by IMC Games, founded by the “father of Ragnarok Online”, Mr Hakkyu Kim. The first game trailer is here!
As you can see, Tree of Savior retains the classic look of Rangarok Online, with updated sprites incorporating 3D technology. There are over 80 characters and 10 classes 80 character classes and 10 stages of class advancements, with some of them hidden in the game for players to discover!
According to the first report, characters, classes and skills can be customized and form different combinations, although no further details were mentioned. There are supposedly around 200 bosses as well.
As Tree of Savior main goals, community engagement and social functions are core to the game. There are several chat functions available, and minor data/ stats for players to analyze their parties.
Similar to most online games, there will be raid dungeons as well, even for low level players. The game will sport an active matchmaking system for dungeons.
Tree of Savior is still in development, and certain features might change. The first FGT (Focus Group Test) is only scheduled to begin next February, so I am guessing the game to make a huge impact at G-Star 2014.