Cyphers is a 3rd person MOBA from Nexon, which is 1 of the hottest 3D titles in Korea for many months now. Essentially somewhat similar to SMITE, Cyphers is now looking to add more PvE features into the PvP-centric game, and the first step will be the new Assault mode.
I shall skip the storyline and jump straight to the content. There will be 7 stages, or waves, of monsters players will need to defeat. The monsters will get stronger, with some having more melee defense, some ranged defense, resistance to certain attacks and more. Not really a walk in the park.
As seen below, there will be 5 players in each team, and the main aim will be to destroy the enemy’s towers during each stage/ wave. There will be a special gold monster for players to defeat, and from the name you can guess what it drops. Cyphers is not slated for release currently in English.