If you did not know, Ragnarok Online was based on the popular Korean manhwa created by Lee Myung-jin, a legendary figure. This weekend, at the invitation of Gravity and its Taiwan subsidiary, Lee Myung-jin visited the Ragnarok Online booth at Taipei Game Show. He auctioned off 3 autographed artwork at NTW 88,888 (around USD 2,800), with the proceeds donated to charity.
The 3 auctioned artwork can be seen below. Lee Myung-jin mentioned he was last in Taiwan over a decade ago, and in the location of Taipei 101 was a car-park. Ragnarok Online has a long history in Taiwan, and it was to players’ delight when Gravity opened a local subsidiary last year to operate its games, including Ragnarok Online, Ragnarok Online Web, and various mobile games.