Blueside, the developer of Kingdom Under Fire II, just revealed the video on character customization, showing various kinds of costumes and options. The video shows that the game has much more advanced character customization system compared to the conventional MMO games.
Players can even choose various types of base facial models when they customize their Hero Classes (avatar). The facial shape can be customized, along with skin colour, tattoo, hair style, scar and so on to make his or her unique character.
Armours with ability options are formed as shoulder, top, bottom, boots and gloves in both traditional armour types and casual types. There will be different style of costumes depend on cultural difference.
The system is developed for players to make unique character and express emotions on their faces by minutely controlling the size or colour of eyes, lips, pupils, philtrum and so on. Players can also equip helmets, accessories such as earrings by purchasing items.
Armours which are separated in 8 pieces will help players to show off various types of characters. Each armour pieces can be equipped separately so player can show his or her unique character more naturally. Natural look with soft movement is possible with Blueside 2.0 engine.
Also purchasing new costumes, hair, hats and so on will help player to decorate their own character easily. Blueside will keep adding new type of costumes and weapons continuously by considering ability, event and features. Also Blueside is planning to make function such as dye and luminescence, so player can express personality of each class in Kingdom Under Fire II.