After the adventure as a Sorceress a few days back, I decided to turn my focus to the Giant character. A hulking, walking piece of muscle mass, his weapon of choice are the double axes. Once again, there are few character customization options in Closed Beta 1, which will be enhanced later.
While the Sorceress is dependable on mana pots, the Giant fills up his bar by performing continuous normal attacks. It is something like a rage bar, which will then allow skills to be used. This is much more convenient and cheaper for sure, selecting just the hp potion for all quest rewards.
For normal quests, there is no auto-route, but for certain quests which requires talking to another NPC, a direction arrow will surround player when clicking on the quest guide, with a ray of light on the NPC as well. Something strange though, after completing “kill X” quests, there isn’t an arrow to guide players back to the quest NPC…
As mentioned earlier, Black Desert will feature a day and night system, with weathers such as fog, snow, typhoons and more. I ran into a giant thunderstorm (no pun intended), and you can see from the video below how visually impaired my character got. Impressive stuff!
On the day and night system, certain NPCs will not be available at certain times, and players will have to wait for them to return. For example, there is this skill NPC where I wanted to learn a new skill. Of course, he wasn’t there with his troops, and I had to wait around 30 minutes of real time!
Another note, players are currently not allowed to enter the deeper waters, which will cause them to lose chunks of hp. No actual swimming feature is implemented now, although the action can be down on land… Which is pretty hilarious. I am looking forward to what Closed Beta 2 will offer!