[Game website] It has been years since Neverwinter was revealed, and to be fair, the transition from the intended P2P to F2P model after Perfect World’s takeover of developer Cryptic Studios delayed the game significantly.
In the earlier PR release document I received, the second last sentence was “Neverwinter is still slated for an early 2013 release.” I tried the demo at Gamescom 2012, and I will like everyone to try the game once beta begins.
The PR piece was actually more about the new class, Great Weapon Fighter. With its primary role as melee damage dealer and secondary role as defender (aka tanker), this is 1 class which needs to be included in all parties for its versatility.
Area of effect damage (AOE), skills which absorb damage, ability to slow enemies down and catch up to fleeing targets… What is there not to like about the Great Weapon Fighter?