Taipei Sniper will be led by ex-Taipei Assassins member, MiSTakE (below), in hope of fast tracking the new team to its first major gaming honors. Although both teams are under the same management, sponsors for both will be slightly different.

Taipei Snipers consists of MiSTakE (Support), NeXAbc (AP Carry), GoDJJ (AD Carry), Colalin (Support), Zonda (Top laner), and OhReaL (Jungle). OhReal (below, right), who is only 18 years of age, previously held the individual top spot in the Hong Kong/ Macau server of League of Legends.

A new member (above, left) was also introduced, DinTer (Support), who previously worked as a backstage video crew for the tournaments. Another fan favorite from TPA, Bebe, missed the media conference due to school commitments. With MiSTakE leading Taipei Snipers, ToyZ (below) will be taking over the leadership role of Taipei Assassins.