So, most of you Mabinogi Heroes or Vindictus fan would have read about the new upcoming female character, Vella. She is really just a small part of the big Season 2 update for Mabinogi Heroes, and here are some other details scheduled as reported on Korean gaming website, There will be 3 primary new zones, 1 a seaside town, the PvE jungle area (both on the same Crescent Island) and a new haunted shipwrecks combat zone.
The 2 main bosses are the Pacific Giant Snake (on Crescent Island) and the legendary giant octopus, Kraken (release the Kraken!!!). Of course, these 2 fights will require many players fighting together as a team. As with the other bosses earlier (Dragon and stuff), fights will not just be one dimensional and they will not go down easy! For example, Kraken will slowly destroy the ship platform players are standing on, forcing them to move back. Once players run out of standing space… Well, you could imagine.
The game’s graphical effects are also being enhanced, along with the level cap being raised to a maximum of 80. There are various changes for max level players as well with regards to the fatigue system, but I shall not touch on those. Also, players may now jump and attack due to the addition of flying enemies. This action can be used to move across ledges or to avoid incoming attacks.
Of course, there should be some news for the new character. Vella! Unfortunately, there are only new screenshots and images for her this time round. She looks really cool, doesn’t she?