Well, I have decided to come up with a weekly roundup of stuff of my own, so do pardon me if it feels generic. I am calling “Weekend Rant”, as I am sure I have something to thrash about the MMO world. Hey, I do have my rights being in the MMO industry you know ^_^ So, sit back, relax and… read on~
1. Death of MMOs at Taipei Game Show?
This year’s edition is so pathetic, I decided not to do a special about the event. The main reason for this year’s sub-par MMO offerings? Well, I can only conclude that there aren’t many news games for the publishers and developers to show, or/ and they are waiting to showcase them on a larger stage later this year, most probably at E3, Tokyo Game Show or even G*Star 2011.
2. The girls of Taipei Game Show 2011
Well, even without MMOs, there are still the showgirls! There are only limited pictures I can post due to Blogger’s new system (first page will load lesser posts if they are too image heavy), so here is the cream of the crop (I guess)!
3. No signs of certain MMOs
Being in the MMO industry, I get to hear some confidential stuff from time to time. There are still various games planned for the English market for 2011 (SEA, NA and EU), but I have yet to see any inkling of teaser video/ website for the majority of them. Well, one of the MMOs I anticipated has an English teaser site up, I bet no one has saw it yet (hint: 2.5D MMO, a cookie for anyone who finds it), but I wonder why the translation from Chinese to English is taking so long. Sigh…
4. I wanna work overseas!
Well, always been my dream to work in an overseas MMO company, preferably in an English speaking country or China, and I am still holding on to that dream. I just have to get this pesky college studies out of my way first… Which will (prays to god( happen at the end of the year.
Ok, that is all for the very first edition of the Weekend Rant. Hope you guys have a blast in the upcoming week!