I came across this interesting blog post while going through my daily Internet scouring routine finding more news to share. The blog writer, apparently an EA staff which is going to be retrenched next month, gave much “insider” information on why Mythic EA’s big budget MMORPG, Warhammer: The Age of Reckoning failed. What is most interesting will be the following:
While I am not really that interested in the Pay to Play realm, I was actually one of the first to queue for a copy of Warhammer’s Collector’s Edition when it first launched. The game eventually proved to be mediocre, of course. According to the signs, it does not bode well for The Old Republic. EA’s last trip into the MMO market with All Point Bulletins did not exactly go down well too. For more information about the supposed EA staff’s blog, click her before it goes down (I am foreseeing legal issues, if any).