Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2010, which will be on from 16th to 19th September this month, will be hosting various gaming companies showcasing their products.While console games are pretty much the mainstay of the show, in recent years, PC online games have slowly found their spotlight amongst the crowd. Slowly catching up with the MMO mega houses duo of South Korea and China, Gamania, a Taiwanese MMO publisher and developer, will be looking to snatch that spotlight solely for themselves.
The company will be presenting 8 self-developed titles, including a few with strong Japanese anime influence. According to reports, Divinia, one of their new Free-to-Play MMOs, is highly anticipated in Japan. Some titles, like Langrisser Schwarz, is developed based on the hit console RPG. Gamania is also looking forward into the English market, having successfully launched Hero: 108 Online. You can read about my interview with the game’s producer here. All in all, Gamania is looking forward to a successful Tokyo Game Show 2010 as it prepares to reach out to gamers globally.