ArcheAge, origianlly codenamed Project X2, is currently being developed by Korea’s XL Games using CryEngine 2, which started 3 years ago. XL Games is founded by Jake Song, the creator of NCsoft’s Lineage. The name ArcheAge is used to represent the beginning of a mystical Earth, which is also one of the game’s main storyline. Players will immerse themselves in this world and be part of its history. Other than humans, elves and dwarves, there will be 5 other races too choose from, most being very unique races.
The brief storyline given was that intelligent races used to live on a magnificent continent, until an unknown cataclysm almost wiped them out. The survivors fled to both the West and East side of the world, and players will be able to visit the remains of the mysterious continent later in the game.
Update: The first beta is being planned in June 2010 in Korea. Open Beta is expected to start at end 2010.
Here are the first 3 official screenshots for the game (1 above).