The South Korea branch of Bandai Namco Games revealed the sequel to SD Gundam Online earlier today, titled as SD Gundam: Next Evolution. Rather than licensing it to a publisher, the Japanese developer will be operating the online game through the South Korea team, which is a first. The first Closed Beta will begin in March, followed by a scheduled launch this May.
Powered by the Havok engine, which was used to make great games such as Skyrim, players will now be able to permanently destroy or make use of environmental objects, which can be part of a combat strategy as well. This will be accompanied by better graphics, more stunning skill effects, detailed machines and smoother combat sequences. Looks mighty awesome to me.
Coined by Bandai Namco Games as a “MMO Action RPG” title, Next Evolution will also contain the familiar PvP and PvE modes. In the PvE mode, players will have to form strategies, split into smaller teams, or devise different tactics to take down the final boss at the end. An accompanying mobile app is teased to be in the works too. There is currently no overseas server confirmed.